About Eucalyptus Flooring & 7 Benefits of Eucalyptus Floors

  If you’re an eco-conscious homeowner, you’ll be pleased to know that in addition to our bamboo floors, Ambient offers strand woven eucalyptus flooring. Eucalyptus flooring is sort of like bamboo’s cousin, and it’s become more popular in recent years. There are hundreds of eucalyptus species out there, so you have a variety of colors … Read more

How to Compost Your Kitchen Trash into Rich Gardening Soil

Hand holing Soil created from Home Composting kitchen scraps or vegetables and fruit along with fall leaves and grass clippings. Final product dark brown earth rich with nutrients and worms to spread around the garden.

When deciding what to recycle and what must go to the landfill, you can’t help but start to wonder about the kitchen scraps. If you’ve ever felt weird about dumping out vegetable stems and leftovers, you’re not alone. Our ancestors survived by figuring out how to make the most of every possible resource and why … Read more

8 Tips for Going Green in the Workplace

Co-workers in an environmentally friendly office

Living a green lifestyle doesn’t stop at your front door or the edge of your property or when you get into the car. Being eco-responsible and reducing waste is something you can do in every aspect of your life, even in the workplace. While it would be great if you could convince your employer to … Read more

How to Install Bamboo Flooring on Stairs

room with bamboo flooring on stairs

Bamboo is a great option for stairs.  It provides a stylish, elegant look, is durable against high traffic and pet claws, and is easy to maintain. Custom bamboo stair treads made by Ambient Bamboo Floors But you already know that because you’re here to learn how to install bamboo flooring on stairs! So, let’s get … Read more

7 Tips for a Comfortable In-Law Apartment

inside an in-law apartment

The number of multi-generational households in America has doubled since 1980. Now, more than 57% of households have more than one generation living in them. It’s not that people have more kids. It’s a case of more adult children returning home. Plus, people are living longer and moving in with their adult children for extra … Read more

Eucalyptus Flooring – The “It” Floor for 2018

From a design perspective, eucalyptus strand woven flooring is a natural (pun intended) for home design in 2018. Made from compressed eucalyptus wood, this flooring lends itself to an array of design functions and adds considerable beauty to any room. It has several advantages for interior design purposes with few disadvantages. Due to its insanely … Read more