10 Ways to Have a Green Christmas

green christmas

It’s a time when the family gathers together and perhaps the second most popular seasonal event of the year behind Thanksgiving. Young and old, we all love Christmas and there’s nothing better than celebrating the festivities with those we love. With the Climate Change Conference has just finished in Paris and governments agreeing to make … Read more

Bamboo Flooring For Yoga Studios

bamboo flooring for yoga studios

The zen of bamboo flooring is beginning to meet yoga’s power in many studios across the US. If you want a place that exudes health and vitality and feels like a proper studio, then the first area to look at is your floor. If it looks great, is kept clean, polished, and inviting, people will … Read more

Wood Floor Finishes: Pros and Cons

hardwood floor

Easy to install and maintain, long-lasting, and great to look at, wood floors are highly popular with homeowners across the US. From Miami to New York, California to Anchorage, and everywhere in between, you’ll be hard-pressed to find people who aren’t impressed by the natural beauty and variation. Which product you choose and how you … Read more

What Does Sustainability Really Mean and How Can You Get on Board?


“Going green” and sustainability are buzz words that have been around the last decade. In fact, it’s very in fashion to go green or sell green products. But what does sustainability really mean and how can you help the movement? Sustainability, in its simplest terms, means concerting an effort to improve the quality of life … Read more

12 Signs You’re a Fair Weather Green Living Fan


We all like to say we’re pretty green – we recycle, we save on electricity, we buy sustainable and responsibly sourced products, and make sure that we don’t waste stuff like water. In general, we’re all good people who care about the environment. But how many of us are more than a little prone to … Read more