At Ambient Bamboo and Eucalyptus Flooring, we focus on two things — bamboo and eucalyptus floors — period. Because of this, we love to expound on the virtues of the incredible eucalyptus tree! If you’re not familiar with the eucalyptus tree, we’re more than happy to enlighten you on the subject and hopefully leave you with a bit more knowledge and a bit more appreciation for that exotic tree with the fresh-smelling, bluish-green leaves that are quintessentially Australian!
The Amazing Eucalyptus Tree
Although native to Australia, New Zealand, and surrounding islands, the eucalyptus tree also grows in Indonesia and many other temperate locales worldwide. It’s part of the genus Myrtaceae, and there are actually numerous — several hundred — different species of the tree commonly known as eucalyptus. Want to know more about eucalyptus? Read Eucalyptus Flooring Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
Perhaps you’ve seen documentaries showing those cuddly little koala bears perched in the branches of a Eucalyptus tree. (They munch on the leaves of certain species of eucalyptus as their main source of sustenance!)
Depending on species, Eucalyptus trees are some of the tallest plants globally, with some reaching dizzying heights of 375-480 feet! In fact, one species in particular — E. amygdalin — actually is the tallest known tree anywhere on the planet. Just think of it as nature’s skyscraper!
The History of the Eucalyptus Tree and Why Humans Love it
Australian aboriginals have used eucalyptus for hundreds of years, primarily for its medicinal qualities. They used the oil to treat everything from a cough and a fever to wounds, asthma, and arthritis.
Early Australian settlers dubbed the eucalyptus the “fever tree” after realizing its disease-fighting properties. And by the mid-1800s, the rest of the world was in on the secret medical magic contained within the tree’s oil-filled leaves. (The credit for spreading the news largely goes to a German botanist/explorer by the name of Baron Ferdinand von Miller.)
The Australians began to produce the oil commercially in Victoria in 1860, and it’s been a profitable industry ever since! In fact, today in the U.S., eucalyptus oil is a component in many over-the-counter cough and cold remedies because of its power as a decongestant. Here’s an impressive list of some of the medical conditions that eucalyptus oil can help relieve …
- fever
- nasal and chest congestion
- asthma and bronchitis
- arthritis
- earaches
- wounds (Applying it topically wards off infection and viruses.)
- gum disease (It fights plaque-forming bacteria.)
And that doesn’t take into account the quasi-medical uses of eucalyptus oil in bug sprays, acne cleansers, and dandruff shampoos!
In the 1960’s eucalyptus plantings became all the rage in China, and the trees were planted extensively in the favorable southern Chinese climates. Today, China boasts the world’s 2nd largest stands of eucalyptus (after Brazil), and the trees mature for use as hardwood flooring in as little as 3-5 years, not to mention a variety of other products.
Draining the Swamp with Eucalyptus Trees
We’re not talking about the figurative, D.C.-style swamp here. We’re talking about the real thing! According to the World Health Organization (WHO), eucalyptus trees can be used to drain low-lying, marshy, or swampy areas to prevent mosquitoes’ pervasive breeding, which causes malaria. To effectively “suck up” extra water from poor-draining areas, a tree has to have two important qualities:
- a tendency to grow very quickly
- be a very thirsty species
Eucalyptus, of course, possesses both qualities, and eucalyptus trees have been used for that very purpose in places like Algeria and Lebanon. The trees work this magic by absorbing the excess moisture and evaporating naturally through their leaves.
In case you were wondering, eucalyptus oil is “harvested” via a steam distillation process that removes the oil from the fresh, mature leaves and branch tips of older trees. Approximately 25 species of eucalyptus trees in Australia are grown mainly for their oil.
But Wait — What About the Wood?
Eucalyptus is prized for its rosy heartwood and creamy sapwood, not to mention its ripply grain patterns and “knotty” look. Because it’s a hardwood, eucalyptus is used for floors, and the perfect eucalyptus floors are made with “strand-woven” eucalyptus planks for their exceptional strength durability. Like bamboo flooring, eucalyptus flooring is often harder than traditional hardwood rivals like oak, walnut, or maple.
Here’s an important point. Like bamboo, eucalyptus grows quickly (in as little as 3-4 years), making it a truly sustainable resource. It has “knots” rather than culms, which is basically bamboo’s version of a knot!
An Affordable Option
If you love the look and performance of hardwood floors but not so much the price, then you’re going to love eucalyptus floors. Averaging 1/2 the cost of traditional hardwood floors, a eucalyptus floor is stronger, harder, and more durable, making it an ideal choice for busy families. It’s also in serious contention for ‘Most Beautiful Hardwood,’ when you consider that it looks a bit like fine-grained tropical mahogany. Yet, it’s not only harder but far less expensive too!
At Ambient, our strand-woven eucalyptus floors are made from trees harvested from well-managed forests, ensuring that you’re getting a truly sustainable product. The rock-hard finish we use is specially formulated to be safe (our products are independently tested and are ultra low-VOC). Because it produces such a hard, protective surface, less of it is needed, which means you see more of that gorgeous and distinctive grain that only a strand-woven eucalyptus floor can deliver. Find out Why You Should Consider Eucalyptus Flooring!
Available in traditional tongue-and-groove or click-lock versions, we’ve got the perfect floor, regardless if you’re installing it in a living room, bedroom, or even in a finished basement. Our click-lock (snap together) planks are a breeze to install and have a thick 2mm wear layer that can handle multiple sandings, which means that your eucalyptus floor will be looking great and holding up superbly to years and years of family traffic and the occasional mishap. It’s hard as nails, so it resists the denting that hardwood floors are susceptible to over the years.
Here’s the best part. When you buy your strand-woven eucalyptus floor from Ambient, you’ll get the best price, the lowest-cost shipping, and the highest-quality product available anywhere. We’re proud of our A+ BBB certification and are committed to supporting you throughout the simple installation process.
Why not request a eucalyptus floor sample so you can see and feel the quality inherent in Ambient’s strand-woven eucalyptus floors? Click on the box below, and we’ll send you a beautiful, durable sample of our Eucalyptus flooring you can see for yourself and actually put your hands on. Also, you can call our flooring experts at (866) 710-7070 today.

About the Author
Jen is your go-to guru for crafting a cozy, green cocoon. 🪴 Her dive into sustainable building wasn’t just about saving the planet—it started as a mission to make family movie nights eco-friendly (and to ensure the popcorn was the only thing getting heated!). With a knack for breaking down the jargon, Jen turns eco-lingo into everyday language. Swing by the Green Living blog for a mix of earth-loving advice and home improvement hacks. Whether you’re just dipping your toes into green waters or you’ve been swimming in the deep end of DIY projects, Jen’s here to guide, giggle, and remind you that every eco-choice is a step towards a planet that thanks you… and maybe even sends a rainbow your way! 🌈