Take Control of Your Energy Bills: Your Guide to a DIY Home Energy Audit

DIY home energy audit

Those frustratingly high energy bills. The drafty rooms that always feel uncomfortable. Knowing you could be doing more for the environment. If this sounds familiar, a home energy audit might be just what you need. Why Bother with a Home Energy Audit? You might be thinking, “a home energy audit sounds good, but…” Let’s be honest – … Read more

Going Green in the Concrete Jungle: Six Practical Eco Tips for Urban Living

Going green - cycling in the city

Did you know that In most developed countries, well over 80% of the population now lives in cities? And that number will continue to grow. This means changes made in cities have an amplified impact on the environment. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the vastness of climate change and sustainability. Yet, going green doesn’t … Read more

7 Ways to Create a Sustainable Office

Three employees using personal drinking mugs in the kitchen for a more sustainable office.

When the topic of sustainability in the workplace comes up, it most often involves the construction of commercial office buildings. Installing larger windows, providing green spaces on rooftops, and handling greywater are common issues that modern building construction techniques seek to address.  However, you can do plenty of things to promote sustainability in your existing … Read more

Green Living Tips That Won’t Break the Bank

Kermit says, “It’s hard being green”. But that’s not true! Here are some easy ways to live a little greener without laying out a load of green. These green living tips are guaranteed not to break the bank. Vanquish the Vampires Unplug electronics when not in use. Many electronic devices still draw power even when … Read more

How To Make Autumn Decorations with Green Materials

autumn decor tea cup mini pumpkin shawl

As the leaves change color and fall from the trees, it’s time to start thinking about autumn decorations. Make autumn decorations with green materials and reduce your environmental impact while celebrating the season. Sustainable materials replenish at the same rate or faster than they are consumed, and include renewable resources, recycled materials, and naturally abundant … Read more

Why Switching to an Energy Efficient Home is Worth the Investment

As of 2021, 85% of people around the world consider ecological impact when making purchases. Sustainable products are gaining traction in the global market, making consumers more conscious of eco-friendly options. Large scale upgrades to your home could have a significant impact in the long-term. With this knowledge, we can seek ways to reduce our … Read more

Electric Cars: An Analysis of the Pros & Cons

It’s incredible to think that the movie Who Killed The Electric Car? debuted as recently as 2006. At that time, do you know how many highway-capable electric cars were available to the general public in the United States? Zero.  That’s not to say there weren’t a few efforts, of course. The Ford Ranger EV was … Read more

Your Room-by-Room Guide to Green Living at Home


If you’re fortunate enough to build an eco-friendly home from the ground up, congratulations! And thank you for taking such a big step to help the environment. If you’re looking for ways to increase energy efficiency and make your current home a healthier place, congratulations, and thank you for that also. There are always ways … Read more

How to Compost Your Kitchen Trash into Rich Gardening Soil

Hand holing Soil created from Home Composting kitchen scraps or vegetables and fruit along with fall leaves and grass clippings. Final product dark brown earth rich with nutrients and worms to spread around the garden.

When deciding what to recycle and what must go to the landfill, you can’t help but start to wonder about the kitchen scraps. If you’ve ever felt weird about dumping out vegetable stems and leftovers, you’re not alone. Our ancestors survived by figuring out how to make the most of every possible resource and why … Read more

8 Tips for Going Green in the Workplace

Co-workers in an environmentally friendly office

Living a green lifestyle doesn’t stop at your front door or the edge of your property or when you get into the car. Being eco-responsible and reducing waste is something you can do in every aspect of your life, even in the workplace. While it would be great if you could convince your employer to … Read more