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Sunlit Hollow Flooring

S U N L I T H O L L O W E N G I N E E R E D W O O D F L O O R Thumbnail


Item No 808857609809
Flooring group Tongue and Groove Engineered
Price 6.49/sq ft
Species White Oak
Sq ft/box 33.08
Finish Prefinished, UV Acrylic, Matte
Surface Wire Brushed
Length RL 12-84 in
Width 6-5/16 in
Thickness 1/2 in
Wear layer 2 mm
Profile Tongue and Groove
Profile/edges micro bevel
Planks Description Random length planks
Installation Nail/Staple/Float
Acclimation period 48 Hours
Warranty Lifetime Structural
Weight/box 76.084
Planks/box Variable
Radiant Heat Safe Yes
High traffic No
Pet friendly No
Install below grade Yes
Floating installation Yes