Breathe Easy with Ambient: Another Year of Products with ‘Effectively Zero’ Off-Gassing!

Ready for some exciting news about Ambient’s low-VOC flooring?

We’re excited to share another significant milestone that highlights our ongoing commitment to delivering flooring options that prioritize your family’s well-being. Our 2024 test results are in, and our products have received ‘effectively zero’ off gassing scores for the 19th consecutive year.

best low voc flooring

What’s “Off-Gassing” and Why Should You Care?

Certain building materials, like some flooring options, can release invisible compounds called VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) into your living space. 

These gasses can linger in the air, potentially triggering a host of nasty symptoms. These range from headaches and allergy flare-ups to more serious health issues over time. 

Among the most notorious VOCs is formaldehyde, a common ingredient in many building products. Even low-level exposure can irritate your eyes, nose, and throat. Long-term exposure to high levels of formaldehyde has been linked to respiratory issues and increased risk of certain cancers. It’s a hidden threat that can slowly undermine your well-being.

low voc flooring - safe for pets and children

Beyond the Lab: How Our Results Translate to a Healthier Home

We voluntarily submit random samples of its flooring to Benchmark International, an independent third-party lab, for annual testing. The tests, which include the industry-standard ASTM D5582, measure the levels of VOCs, including formaldehyde, released from the flooring.

The Impact of Our Commitment

  • We Set and Meet Consistent Air Quality Standards
    Our flooring has consistently met or exceeded the strictest indoor air quality standards, ensuring minimal VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) emissions. 
  • We Are Dedicated to Our Mission
    This achievement demonstrates our ongoing dedication to leadership in sustainable and healthy flooring solutions.
  • It Affirms Our Commitment to You
    Ambient’s flooring contributes to a healthier indoor environment for homes and businesses.

Our commitment to low voc flooring

Download the full test results from Benchmark International here!

*Please note that while our testing is extensive, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional for specific concerns related to individual sensitivities and health conditions.

2 thoughts on “Breathe Easy with Ambient: Another Year of Products with ‘Effectively Zero’ Off-Gassing!”

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